
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Its so hot

Ok yesterday it was a very hot one in Melbourne, so Ryder and I went over to my mum and dads (as they have aircon). I was still feeling pretty lousy with my sinus and blocked ears and head just fully congested. So i just layed on the couch in the lounge all afternoon. Ryder played with his cousins on the playstation. Then later when there was some shade in the back yard we let them have a water fight and my nephew George the little terror got me. So i got the super soaker and got all of them. They all had a great time.

We called into Ryder's dads on the way home and ryder is staying there for the weekend. Woohoo i have the weekend to myself, will give me sometime to just do nothing.

I hope every has a great New Year's Eve tonight, drive safely and hope you have a great start to 2006

1 comment:

Rach Leeke said...

Ekkkkk MY god for U to be saying it's Hot as well ... It must be ... Hope U are feelin better soon... Rach :D