
Saturday, December 31, 2005

xmas eve and xmas day

Well i have been very busy since xmas and sick so havent felt much like being at the computer. Xmas eve Ryder and I created a Gingerbread Chalet and Santa and his sleigh, we had heaps of fun and ryder kept on pinching heaps of lollies. We spent Xmas eve with our good friends Auntie Nick, Shannie, Stevie, Courtie, and Chrissie and Paulie and Carol We have been doing this for nearly 20 years.

Xmas day was great, Ryder didnt get up till 9.30am so i was up early waiting, waiting waiting for him to get up. I love the awe and innocence of children when they see what santa has brought them. I didnt get many good pictures as my flash was chucking a tanty.

He was very happy with all the presents he received from santa and me (however he just thinks they were all from santa even though i told him which ones were from me)

1 comment:

Rach Leeke said...

HO HO HO merry christmas U 2. Looks like someone got Very spolit glad to C U both had a great day