Yesterday i took Ryder and his cousin George to a playcentre, Rugrats. They were having a great time, i was enjoying sitting there reading the paper. We had been there for probably about an hour when Ryder came around the corner crying holding his eye. I moved his hand away a saw straight away he had a black eye. I took him over to get some first aid, they didnt have an ice pack, so they gave me an icy pole to put on it and then ryder got to eat it. This is a picture I took this morning
Poor Baby. What a honey though! Sorry Jodii, even with a black eye he is cute! lol How did it happen?
Silly that the play centre wouldn't have an ice pack considering the amount of bumps and bruises that probably happen in a joint like that.
Ryder was coming down the slide a another child was coming up it and they collided. Yes i think it was pretty poor that they didnt have an ice pack
WHAT they didnt have an Ice pack ... thats SHOCKING
I would be complaning about that to the management. Hope it gets better soon
Black eye or no black eye - he is a SPUNK!!!!
Hope it's better soon
Poor baby I hope it starts to clear up soon
We were at another playcentre and jack got caught on some string that was hanging down they didn't do anything either he had a cut from one ear to the other
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