
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Rales tagged - guess that what I get

Rales tagged me guess thats what I guess when I say no-one reads my blog

A is for age: 35
B is for booze of choice: I love Bourbon – Jim Beam of course. Also love cocktails. Don’t drink very often these days as I don’t go out very often.

C is for career: I work at Out of School Hours Care. Which I love it has let me stay at home and raise ryder while still working. Some.

D is for your dad’s name: Alan
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Jelly Slice or Pavlova

F is for favourite song at the moment: Don’t really listen to the the radio or cd at the moment, but just got one for christmas for the scrap area so will soon change that

G is for favourite game: Have to agree with Rales I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVE Trivial Pursuit. Have played it many a time into the wee hours of the morning.
H is for hometown: Well that’s a hard one as I have lived so many place. I was born in Frankston. However I would say Melbourne and its suburbs.

I is for instruments you play: NONE
J is for jam or jelly you like: Raspberry all the way baby!
K is for kids: 1 – Ryder 5

L is for living arrangements: Live with the special man in my life Ryder
M is for mum’s name: Colleen

N is for name of your crush: never had a crush .
O is for overnight hospital stays: I had my appendix out when I was 8, my tonsils out when I was 12 , and when I had ryder
P is for phobias: spiders I;m hearin ya rales
Q is for quotes you like:– dunno.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: hmmmmmmmmm maybe 9mths havent had too many relationships
S is for sexual preference: not tonight sweetheart?
U is for underwear: Gstrings

V is for vegetable you love: I love all vegies except carrots

W is for weekend plans: We have a 5th birthday party on Sunday and probably just more house work on Saturday

X is for x-rays you’ve had: back (ct scan as well as xrays) for 2 bulging discs. Sinuses – ct scan

Y is for yummy food you make: I love to cook, but I suppose two things I am famous for are my Jelly slices and my sausage rolls

Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini – however I am on the cusp so I have quite a few taurean traits


  • Rachel Leeke

  • 1 comment:

    Elisa said...

    I love your new title!!!

    How did you do that???