
Friday, September 21, 2007


Pay it Forward

Pay it forward or paying it forward refers to repaying the good deeds one has received by doing good things for other unrelated people.

So I've joined the Pay it Forward challenge. I think it will be fun. I joined over at Sonia's Blog
The idea of this one is the first three people to join me will receive a handmade gift from me. I then have 365 days to make it and send it, ..

The only stipulation to accepting the gift from me is that you must also put this on your blog and get three people each to sign up. Then you make your three people a handmade gift, and so on and so on...I think it sounds great.
Hopefully three bloggers out there will want a handmade gift from me. Wink

Well nobody took me up on my first post about PIF, so i thought i would post it again. I am thinking maybe a custom christmas decoration ( as those of you wjo know me, know i am a little bit in love with christmas). Or maybe a handmade bracelet or necklace.

I received some beautiful earrings from Sonia as my pif . So i would really love it if i could pass on the joy of giving.


Amie said...

Hey Jodii, thanks for stopping by my blog....not many people are taking up these offers of PIF, I think you would get more takers if they didn't have to pay it forward LOL....

Sonia said...

LOL you two!!!!

well at least I had two locals...i have to send one to the states next....if i ever get her address....been waiting a week!!!