
Monday, October 08, 2007

back to school

The school holidays are over in Victoria and the kids go back today. We went to the zoo last Thursday with some beautiful friends Trish & kids, Rayles & kiddies and myself and Ryder. It was fantastic to see their reactions because they hadn't been to the zoo for years, so had never seen the new Elephant Trail or the Orang Utan Sanctuary. We walked and walked and walked, i can tell you, that night i could hardly move and was exhausted. Here are some photos from the day

The new Tiger cubs ( they aren't so little anymore)


Anonymous said...

More great shots Jodii. Very sorry I missed out on the fun :-(


Chel said...

The yoo has changed so much, I just love all the new enclosures. I canät believe how big the tigers are - I didnät think it had been that long since I was there last. Glad to hear zou all had a good da- sorrz for the tzping, still a German Kezboard. Love and Hugs, Chel